Sarosh Bhatti

Sarosh Bhatti

Leadership requirements in the new era of Artificial Intelligence

Technology is changing the way we work, live, and interact with each other. The pace of technological change is much faster than it has been in the past. For example, it took 2.4 million years to control and use fire for cooking and only 66 years from the first powered flight to landing on the […]

Web 3 or Web 3.0

Web 3 or Web 3.0 is much talked about and is quickly taking traction in he technology and financial savvy groups, but what actually is Web 3. Let’s start from the beginning. The first version of the internet that was publicly available to use, the World Wide Web, is referred to as Web 1.0. Dating back […]

First, there was web1

First, there was web1 – as the story goes, was the era of decentralized, open protocols, in which most online activity involved navigating to individual static webpages. Web 2.0, which we’re living through now, is the era of centralization, in which a huge share of communication and commerce takes place on closed platforms owned by […]

Digital technologies are transforming… 

Digital technologies are transforming economies, creating jobs, and improving lives. They have dramatically changed the way we live, work, communicate, business, health, education, finance, and much much more. Yet the digital divide remains stark and is becoming synonymous with a development divide. Billions of people around the world are still offline, and digital advancement has […]

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality (AR) is the state-of-the-art technology that can help keep your business competitive, bridge the physical and digital worlds to better guide and train employees, solve problems faster, optimize efficiencies, improve productivity and collaboration, and better prepare for the future. But what actually is AR? AR is an enhanced, interactive version of a real-world […]

Global Financial Stability Report, April 2023

One critical thing that impacts each and every one of us is stability in the financial system, and any challenges in this, impacts economic development, investor confidence and overall quality of life. Financial stability risks have increased rapidly as the resilience of the global financial system has faced a number of tests. The failures of […]

Machine Learning Algorithms

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and advance analytics which focuses on the use of data and algorithms to imitate the way that humans learn, gradually improving its accuracy. Algorithms are the fundamental building blocks for machine learning models. From classification to regression, here are seven algorithms’ organizations need to know as they begin […]

Key Performance Indicator

Even though organizations spend millions of dollars on the similar initiatives, still too often they struggle to achieve the desired outcomes. While there are number of reasons, but one of the key one is that they don’t have the right Key performance Indicators (KPI’s) at the business case level and then at the operational level. […]

Digital twin technology is changing the way we interact, live and work

Amongst all the technologies, digital twin is one of the technologies that is quickly becoming part of our everyday life, but what really is digital twin. A digital twin is a virtual representation of a real-world object or system. These virtual models are used to digitally represent performance, identify inefficiencies, and design solutions to improve […]

Data Analytics Marathon

We’ve seen it used numerous times, from the cover of prominent publications to speeches by Fortune 500 CEOs and world leaders: “data is the new oil”. For data to create value and economic benefits for the organization, it must pass through various steps from data collection, cleansing, storage, governance, visualization, analysis, and the last and most important step decision […]